
Types of documents


The transportation documents available and valid in the service are those listed below. please consult the conditions and specific fares at the corresponding council of each municipality.

Lines 21, 22, and 23, corresponding to the Villajoyosa City Hall, have special fares different from the rest.

REMEMBER: Check that the information on your ticket is correct (date, time, and amount) and keep it until the end of your trip. Present it at the request of the company's staff.

Fare zones

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General use documents

Individual ticket:

Ordinary public transportation document:

• Daytime: sold between 06:00 and 23:59 hours.
• Nocturnal: sold between 00:00 and 05:59 hours.
• Special: for special services (lines 30 and 31) and for uses who travel without a valid transportation document and who want to continue their trip.

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Bus Card:

Card for regular uses with frequent use, not for personal use and, therefore, can be used by groups. It is an electronic wallet type of card, you acquire it and recharge it on the bus. For each trip taken, the fare applicable at any given time is deducted from the preloaded amount. It makes possible, within a maximum period of 45 minutes from the initial validation, the t rasfer to another line with a lower price.

Initial price of the card: €2
Initial charge / recharge: €10 or €20

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Turistic cards (non-rechargeable):

Personal use cards for turism purposes (not valid for groups). Valid for 24 hours, 72 hours, or 7 days, starting from its first use and with no travel, lines, or destination limits, including panoramic double-decker buses (lines 30 or 31), lines 16 - Guadales and 18 - Fuentes del Algar. You can acquire them on the bus, it is non-rechargeable.

24 hour card price: €11.30
48 hour card price: €20.60
7 days card price: €39.20

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Eco card:

Personal use card for intensive and continous users (not valid for groups). Valid for 30-day periods starting from its first use. UNLIMITED travel, lines, and destinations (except lines 16 - Guadalest and 18 - Fuentes del Algar). Rechargeable for successive 30-day periods. You can aquire and recharge it on the bus.

Initial card price: €2
Initial charge / recharge: €57 (€39.05 in bonus period).

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Personalized documents

Blue Card

Card for students or young people (depending on the municipality). Access and use conditions established by the corresponding city council. Consult the corresponding council.

It is a non-transferable card for personal use, similar to the TarjetaBus but with lower prices. Charging and rechargcing is done on the buses prior to use.

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Gold Card

TCard for various collective purposes: people 65 years of age or older who have a valid National ID, members of Numerous families with official documents, and others, depending on each municipality. Consult the corresponding councilorship.

It is a non-transferable cord for personal use, similar to the TarjetaBus but with lower prices. Charging and recharging is done on the buses prior to use.

If you are registered in Altea, Benidorm, Finestrat, L'Alfas, or Villajoyosa, request it at your city hall as it may have additional advantages.

If you are 65 years of age or over and have a valid DNI, or the official Large Family title in force and cannot or do not want to process it through the indicated town halls, or are registered in another town, you can request it directly and we will send it to you by certified mail.

Initial card price: €4
Intitial charge / recharge: €10 or €20

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(1) The routes are one way (one way or return), have an initial stop and an end of the line stop (stop where the user must obligatorily get off the bus). Please inform yourself before accessing the service.
(2) Special, lower prices may be available in particular seasons.
(3) Transfer: second trip, on a different line, within a period of LESS than 45 minutes from the first trip.
* These fares may vary based on special discounts.