
Application for subsidized documents

If you fulfill any of the requirements listed below, you may request the Gold Card or the Blue Card, which will facilitate access to the regular public transportation lines operated by Avanza Movilidad Levante at the Marina Baja in more favorable conditions.

If you are registered in the municipalities of Altea, Benidorm, Finestrat, L'Alfàs del Pi, Orxeta, Sella, Relleu, or Villajoyosa, we recommend that you do the procedture through City Hall, as you will obtain greater benefits.

In the case of RENOVATION, remember that it MUST be done in the SAME place where the initial application was made.

If you are not registered in the listed municipalities, or you do not want to apply through them, you can process it in person at our offices or through this website.


To access the subsidized cards, you must fulfill any of the basic requirements indicated below (some city halls have more options available, please consult it):

  • Case 1. Be 65 years old and have a valid National Identification Document (D.N.I.) , or
  • Case 2. Belong to a numerous family with valid official document, or
  • Case 3. Be less than 31 years old and have a valid National Identification Document (D.N.I.).


To obtain the card you can do the following procedures:

  • Through your city hall if you are registered in Altea, Benidorm, Finestrat, L'Alfàs del Pi, Orxeta, Sella, Relleu or Villajoyosa. If you make your application through your city hall, consult the conditions there.
  • Directly at the company:
    - In-person at our offices, filling out the application and providing the necessary documentation, picking up the card 15 days later. The address and time are:

(working hours 09:30 to 13:30)

Castellón street, 10 – Industrial Polygon, Plan 25

03509 Finestrat

Telephone: 965 854 322

  • Via web. Sending the application through this form and annexing the necessary documentation. We will send your card by mail after 15 days.

The payment for the preparation and processing of the card via WEB must be made by a deposit of nine euros (9.00€) to any of the following accounts: SANTANDER ES60 0049 6099 8021 1001 6996, or, if you do it in-person at our offices, a payment of four euros (4.00€). The falsification of data or documents or non-compliance with the requirements will result in the nullity of the application without reimbursement of the amounts paid.

Apply for / renew card

Type of application
Type of application null
Type of card
Type of card null
Name null
Last names null
Email null
Date of birth null
DNI/Passport null
Address null
No null
Floor null
City null
Zip code null
Province null
Telephone null
Upload picture null
Upload DNI photocopy null
Upload payment receipt null